Home » Mexico Insurance in Phoenix, AZ

Mexico Insurance in Phoenix, AZ

If you plan to drive your car to Mexico, you must purchase a Mexican auto insurance policy beforehand. Car accidents can occur at any time, creating significant financial issues. Mexican auto insurance offers financial protection in the aftermath of an accident or other covered incident.

What Is Mexican Auto Insurance?

Mexican auto insurance is similar to standard American auto coverage. Most policies require you to pay an insurance premium to your insurance carrier in return for financial help after a car accident. Coverage differs among policyholders. Some insurance providers may require you to pay a deductible, an out-of-pocket cost you pay after a covered accident before your insurance policy helps cover accident costs.

What Car Insurance Is Required in Mexico?

Like most U.S. states, Mexico requires drivers to carry liability insurance. However, having sufficient car insurance is essential in limiting high accident-related costs. The agents at Ayala Insurance can help you learn about coverage options to include in your policy.

Do I Need Mexican Auto Insurance?

Mexico generally does not recognize American auto insurance policies. Unless you have a previous agreement with the Mexican government proving financial responsibility, you will likely need to acquire a Mexican auto insurance policy. Additionally, some policies may have extended coverage in Mexico. Reach out to our agency to learn about potential coverage options.

Where Can I Find Coverage?

If you are a car owner near Phoenix, Arizona, the experienced agents at Ayala Insurance can assist you in learning about Mexican auto insurance to help you decide on the right policy for your trip south of the border.

Call our agency today at 602-277-1900 for more information.

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